
6 Blogging Tips for Business

Blogging is one of the latest trends over social media. You’ll see every other person having a public profile, mainly on instagram. If you’re new to blogging, here are 6 tips that can guide you better to stand apart and gain popularity.

1.       Blog Consistently

It’s alright if you don’t have the perfect blogging streak, but what matters is that you’re consistent. If you don’t post at least once or twice a week, your engagement rates will remain up. But if you decide to go AWOL for two months, your blog is most likely to go stale. The more consistent you are, the easier blogging will feel. You can also opt for scheduling your posts or articles. Many studies have shown that posting 16 times per month, is best. Such active blogging will get you 3.5 more traffic on your site.  

I’m not recommending that anything besides blogging. You have every right to your personal life. What you choose to share or not should be totally up to you. You may have a full-time job where you can’t concentrate o either, so it’s best you know how to prioritize and divide your time. You can give 2 hours to blogging a day and the rest to your job or any work that you do.

2.       Conduct Keyword Research

If you’re running a small business, you know that you need to write about what relates to your business. But, you also need to keep in mind what people are searching for online. There is no point in having a blog that no one ever reads.

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

This process is looking for popular keywords that people are trying to find on search engines like Google for example. If people are looking for “silk scarves” and you run a small boutique business, you can write how to tie silk scarves with your dresses. Make sure that you induce keywords into your article’s title and also add them twice or thrice in your blog posts. This way, your articles will have a better shot at being read and be amongst the ranking on search engines. Once you think of a keyword, it can also help you choose a topic and write the article upon.

3.       Aim for Optimized Blog Lengths

If you’re wondering how long should your blog post be? It should be long enough to fit in all the relevant information to want to pass onto your readers. Make sure you incorporate the key words wisely; it should not look like a list of keywords making no sense at all. Write your articles passionately and detailed, this will make you proud. After selecting a topic, an important question you should ask yourself, “would you read such an article”? Keep this in mind and write away.

Titles play a vital role in catching a reader’s eye. They should not be long but short and fun that makes the read clicks on your article and read through.

4.       Address Customer Questions

If you’re a small business owner, at times an idea for a topic may come from your customer’s query. When your customers ask you questions, make sure you write them somewhere and altogether write a post so your customers don’t have to repeat asking you. When you answer your customer’s question, they tend to rely on you more. The more clearly you explain things to them, the more they will trust you and your product. If you personally don’t have time to answer the queries, you can hire a social media executive who handles all this.

5.       Invite Guest Contributors

I understand that blogging can be time-consuming. If you want some time off or a new voice for your blog, you can invite guest contributors to write content or articles for you. Once you have a fresh look on topics relating to your business, it will be beneficial. You might also learn to think from a different perspective and experiment more.  You can invite a guest who is an industry leader or write an article as an interview form of you both. This way your readers will also understand that struggles for most business owners are likely similar than they think.

6.       Do a Roundup Of Industry News

One of the marketing ideas for small business blogs is to publish weekly or monthly round-ups. These could include your top articles of the week or month. This way, your audience can catch up on articles they may have missed reading out. Summarize those articles, and explain their benefits. This way, your audience will actually revert to the original article and read it.

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