Category Startups

All everything related to startups.

CRM for Startups

man in gray dress shirt sitting on chair in front of computer monitor

CRM allows you to stay agile and coordinated with your startup. It is NOT just another tool among the clutter existing in the market. Features like lead management and sales pipeline management facilitate the increase in revenue. Workflow automation, two-way…

Customer Acquisition in Startups

customer holding magnetic card

Once the product is ready for market launch, the next step for every startup is to acquire customers and build a solid base. For that, you need a brilliant customer acquisition strategy. This is very important if you want your…

Product Management in Startups

person holding pencil and stick note beside table

Product Management is one of the most important functions of a startup. The product’s life cycle is an unpredictable and varying one, and you should learn how to deal with it. Instead of keeping the product alive the way it…

Small Business vs Startup

architectural photography of building with people in it during nighttime

Starting a small business and starting a startup isn’t exactly the same thing. By definition and nature, both involve entrepreneurs setting up their own ventures. However, both have very different attributes. A small business focuses on entering an existing market,…