Easy Ways for Sellers to Make Their Homes More Enticing

Easy Ways for Sellers to Make Their Homes More Enticing

Few things are more frustrating than seeing your home sit on the market for months on end without any hints of interest. Being unable to find a buyer for a home can be stressful on a number of fronts.

For example, if you’re eager to relocate, being tethered to your current locale by a home you’re unable to sell is liable to prove vexing and financially strenuous. Fortunately, generating buyer interest in your home may not be as daunting as it seems – especially if you take the following pointers to heart.

House with yard sign for open house

Emphasize Location

Realtors don’t repeat the mantra “Location, location, location” just because it’s catchy. In many respects, a home’s location is considered more important than the actual condition of the property. For example, an amenity-light home in a desirable, high-demand area is liable to fetch a healthier profit than an amenity-rich home in an undesirable, low-demand area.

So, if your home is located in a good area, it’s in your best interest to emphasize this when listing the property. For instance, if your home is located in the vicinity of a bustling metropolis, market it to buyers who are looking to enjoy a high-energy metropolitan lifestyle.

Conversely, if your home is located in a quaint, out-of-the-way area, try appealing to buyers who are looking to get away from the noise and energy of more populous areas. Sellers who own Marcos Island real estate should be looking to appeal to luxury homebuyers.

Update Kitchen Appliances

Depending on how much you stand to make from the sale of your home, updating essential appliances and including them in the sale may prove to be a worthwhile investment. This is particularly true in the case of homes with appliances that are extremely out-of-date.

Given how expensive most homes are, it’s only natural that many buyers wouldn’t be keen on shelling out even more money for new appliances. Furthermore, new appliances can give even the drab best kitchen a sleek, modern, cutting-edge vibe, which many buyers are likely to appreciate. At the very least, you should offer to deduct the cost of new appliances from the sale price if your kitchen appliances are long out-of-date.

Increase Curb Appeal

Although we grow up being told never to judge a book by its cover, many of us tend to disregard this important lesson when searching for the right home. Even if your home has a tremendous amount to offer, a fair number of potential buyers are liable to be turned off by an unattractive exterior. So, if your home’s curb appeal leaves something to be desired, it’s in your best interest to step it up in this department.

For starters, if the paint job could use an update, consult a realtor about the colors prospective buyers find most enticing and slap on a fresh coat. Secondly, make a point of keeping your yard in good condition, as a messy, poorly-kept yard stands to overshadow all the good things about a home. If a buyer is put off by an unattractive exterior, they’re unlikely to want a look inside. Mowing your lawn on a regular basis, planting some flowers, and keeping your yard free of clutter can go a long way toward catching the interest of home-seekers.

Address Outstanding Issues with the Property

Not many buyers are willing to invest in homes with outstanding issues, especially if those issues will cost a fair amount to fix. So, if your home suffers from any plumbing, electrical or structural issues, you’d be wise to repair them in advance of listing the property – or be okay with receiving far less than your desired asking price.

To help ensure that you have an accurate accounting of any issues with the property, enlist the services of a certified home inspector.

A White House With Courtyard, and Green Grass


When placing your home up for sale, it’s only natural that you’d expect it to sell in a timely manner. Unfortunately, some homes – even ones that seemingly have everything to offer – sit on the market for years. In order to create the more appealing house, you can always add a few popular furniture pieces like most popular Stressless recliners or a cool dining table.

Needless to say, if you’re looking to relocate in a hurry, this can place a huge damper on those plans. As such, sellers who are eager to find buyers in an expedient manner would do well to make their homes more enticing by taking the measures discussed above.

Milica Brborović
Milica Brborović
Articles: 128