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What Do Icons and Symbols Mean in Spotify

Spotify, one of the world’s most popular music streaming services, offers a wide range of features designed to enhance the listening experience. From playlists to podcasts, to music discovery, Spotify uses a variety of icons and symbols that help users navigate its platform. These visual cues not only streamline the user interface but also serve as shortcuts for functionality. For both new and experienced users, understanding what these icons mean can make the experience more intuitive and enjoyable. Here’s a guide to some of the most common icons and symbols you’ll encounter on Spotify.

1. Play and Pause Buttons

The most common and essential icons in Spotify are the Play and Pause buttons. These are typically represented by:

  • Play: A triangle pointing to the right (▶️) indicates that the song or playlist will start playing when clicked.
  • Pause: Two vertical bars (||) signify that the song or playlist is currently playing, and you can click this icon to pause the music.

2. Shuffle and Repeat

  • Shuffle: A crisscrossed arrows icon (🔀) indicates the shuffle play mode. When activated, the tracks in a playlist or album will play in random order.
  • Repeat: The repeat symbol (🔁) consists of two arrows forming a circle. This can have different modes:
    • No Repeat: The symbol shows only one arrow, and the playlist or album will stop after all tracks are played.
    • Repeat All: Two arrows will loop around a number of tracks, indicating that the playlist will loop back to the beginning after reaching the end.
    • Repeat One: A number “1” will appear inside the repeat symbol, indicating that a single track will be played on repeat.

3. Heart (Like or Favorite)


The heart icon (💖) is one of the most important symbols for personalizing your Spotify experience. When you press the heart button next to a song, album, or playlist, it indicates that you like or favorite that item. Liking a song helps Spotify create better recommendations and adds the song to your library, making it easier to access later.

4. Download (Offline Listening)

The download icon (⬇️) indicates that a song, playlist, or podcast has been downloaded to your device for offline listening. This icon only appears for Spotify Premium users, as they have access to offline mode. When the icon appears, it means that content is available to listen to without an active internet connection.

5. Queue (Now Playing and Queue)

The queue icon (⏳ or 3 horizontal lines) usually shows up when you access the “Now Playing” screen or view your upcoming tracks. It indicates the list of songs that will play next. Clicking on it lets you see and manage the order of upcoming songs.

6. Microphone (Podcast or Voice-Control)

The microphone icon (🎙️) typically represents podcasts or voice commands. It may appear when you are browsing podcast episodes or interacting with voice-controlled features like Spotify’s “Hey Spotify” command, which enables users to control playback hands-free.

7. Three Dots (More Options)

The three dots icon (⋯) is often used to represent “More Options.” This icon gives users access to additional actions or settings that can be performed on a song, playlist, or artist page. It could lead to actions like sharing, adding to a playlist, or adjusting the track’s settings.

8. Repeat Button

The repeat button is represented by a circular arrow. It can have a few variations depending on the mode:

  • A single arrow means the song will repeat.
  • Two arrows mean the entire playlist will repeat.

9. Spotify Premium Badge

If you have a Spotify Premium account, you may see the Premium badge (usually marked with a green icon or label). This badge indicates that you have access to additional features such as offline listening, no ads, and the ability to skip tracks without limitations.

10. Muted Volume Icon

The volume icon (🔊) is used to represent sound control. If the icon shows a crossed-out speaker (🔇), it means the sound is muted. If it’s a speaker with sound waves (🔊), it indicates that the sound is on, and the user can adjust the volume level.

11. Playlist/Album Cover Art

When browsing through songs, albums, or playlists, Spotify will often display an album or playlist cover (usually a square image). This serves as the visual representation of the album or playlist, often featuring artwork created by the artist or Spotify.

12. Search Icon

The search icon (🔍) is represented by a magnifying glass. It is located in the app’s main navigation bar and allows you to search for specific songs, artists, albums, or playlists. This icon is one of the most frequently used in the Spotify app, as it helps users discover new music.

13. Spotify Radio

The radio icon (📻) represents Spotify’s “Radio” feature, which creates a personalized station based on the song or artist you’re currently listening to. It will provide recommendations that match the music you’re enjoying at the moment.

14. Podcast and Show Icons

Spotify’s podcast section uses icons such as the microphone (🎙️) or a radio tower to represent podcast shows or episodes. These icons help users distinguish between regular music tracks and podcast content.

15. Collaboration and Shared Playlist

A collaborative playlist icon (two heads or a link icon) may appear when a playlist is shared with other users. This feature allows friends or family members to contribute songs to the playlist, making it an interactive experience.


Icons and symbols are integral to Spotify’s interface, helping users easily navigate its extensive range of features. Whether you’re playing music, discovering new tracks, managing playlists, or enjoying podcasts, these icons ensure that everything is accessible with a quick tap or click. By understanding what these symbols mean, you can maximize your Spotify experience and make it more personalized to your preferences.

Jonathan Dough
Jonathan Dough
Articles: 35