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Five Million-Dollar Business Ideas

Million-dollar business ideas may be much simpler than you imagine. While no idea will ever make you millions right away, the right investment and hard work can certainly get you there. Moreover, these ideas are much more common than you think. The difference between a successful and unsuccessful one lies in their execution. In this article, we will highlight 5 million dollar business ideas that you can implement with low capital. The only thing you need is knowledge, a good work ethic, and patience.

Read: The Next Billion-Dollar Companies

Online Consultancy services

Consultancy services are a timeless business idea that can rarely go wrong. This business idea relies on your knowledge and your ability to apply that knowledge to solve real-world problems. Hence, consultancy services are rare since very few people are able to apply their knowledge to real-life situations. The biggest advantage of this business idea is that it makes the most of your strengths. You can literally start a consultancy regarding anything you are good at, be it sports, finance, management, teaching, and so on. The opportunities are endless. Moreover, the best part is that it requires very little investment. Most of the investment involved is of your time and mental capacity and hence has huge profit potential.

person using black laptop computer

There has been a recent trend with the rise of Big Data, and hence, of Management consulting involving data science. The Coronavirus pandemic has given everyone a huge opportunity regarding this as well. InsideSherpa has come up with a platform for virtual jobs and internships that give you a practicum-based virtual experience of working with top consultancies around the world.

Online Tutoring/Educational Platform

Online tutoring has never been popular. With the coronavirus pandemic in full swing, children are stuck at home at need tutors to help them through online classes. With face-to-face tutoring becoming impossible, online tutors are in great demand. Hence, this business idea may prove to be very fruitful. A successful business will be one that solves a problem, and this idea will help you do just that. Certain websites like Tutorme and Tutorsbee are already implementing this idea very well. You can think out of the box and offer vocational training of skills such as Microsoft Excel as well. The content available to teach is endless, you just have to look for it.

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Read: How are people finding internships and employment during lockdown?

Digital Marketing Services

This is a very competitive field. However, digital marketing services are in-demand since many businesses have shifted their operations online. You can learn more about digital marketing through various free courses online, with the likes of Ahrefs offering free courses on SEO and digital marketing. Other areas where many businesses struggle, is managing online ads, and Google offers many great courses in that regard as well. Other than this, there are tons of videos on youtube and other platforms. Digital marketing is a need of the hour and has huge growth potential if you stand out.

Online Freelancing Platform

With many students having free time on their hands, freelancing seems like a good option to earn money on the side. While websites like Fiverr and Upwork dominate the freelance service, operating through those websites takes months of hard work in a saturated market. You can create an easily accessible platform for your local community (or even international) where earning money through freelancing becomes easier. This is a very competitive field, but if done correctly, can be very fruitful.

person using MacBook Pro


The one thing this pandemic has done is given rise to many e-commerce stores. As many stores move online and shopping is now a completely virtual experience, the demand for e-commerce has never been higher. This has led to the success of Amazon, a platform being used by many for their e-commerce needs. Other ideas like dropshipping and drop servicing be pursued, as the competition for the two is lesser than that for e-commerce. Whatever it may be, the future for businesses is online. The faster one adapts to this new normal, the more successful they will be.

Read: 5 Emerging Companies of 2020 to Watch Out For

Million-dollar ideas may be very simple. However, their execution requires hard work and dedication, two things which many people fail to acknowledge.

What other ideas do you think can turn into million-dollar businesses? Let us know in the comments below!

Syed Muhammad Ismail
Syed Muhammad Ismail

Writer and Content Developer at PACE Business.

With interests in Sports and Business, Ismail combined the two when he started his entrepreneurial journey. Along with the PACE Business, he has been running a sports management company, manufacturing Awards and Memorabilia for International sporting events.
Check us out at: @sparkinnv

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